Washable in cold and soapy water, it can be reused for more than 1 year then throw in the compost at the end of its life

Order our beeswax packaging in 2 clicks
Our sets of 3 S / M / L packages are now available for online ordering
New in 2021
The vegan VEGE WRAP, coated with a mixture
of vegetable wax which is produced and localized on the surface of the aerial parts of plants, at their cuticle level.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Vegetable waxes are part of a new generation of unrefined ecological waxes made from vegetable, natural and above all renewable materials.

La belle histoire de APIFILM : l'emballage réutilisable à la cire d'abeille français de INDUTEX

Why our packaging is natural ?
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
✔ Composed of organic white cotton coated with French beeswax , pine resin
organic Landes and organic French sunflower oil.
✔ Beeswax is naturally antibacterial.
✔ All components of our packaging
are suitable for food contact with certification

Made 80 km from Paris:

Folded and packed by people with disabilities 5 km from the factory (L'Esat-de-Coyolles)

Finished product is certified Biotextile (GOTS) by Ecocert
How is our packaging sustainable?
It has a life cycle of one year.
It just needs a gentle cleaning with cold, soapy water or white vinegar to be reusable.
In one year, 6 sheets of Bee wrap can replace 3-5 rolls of stretch film or foil.
At the end of its life, the product can be completely composted or used as a fire starter.